When people encounter the need for assistance just to get through their daily routines, their families are often unable to provide them with the level of care that is necessary to make sure that such a person remains safe from harm. As a result, many people in this position will choose to move into an assisted living center even though doing so does give up much of the freedom the rest of us take for granted. Unfortunately, some people are not treated properly in these situations, and those that face this problem need the help of a Nevada elder law firm as soon as possible. Below you will find information regarding how a Nevada elder law attorney will take steps to hold anyone responsible for the mistreatment of an assisted living center resident accountable. You will also find information regarding how you can contact an experienced nursing home abuse attorney in Los Angeles, CA to schedule a free initial consultation if you or someone you love is being mistreated in this setting and you need legal help.
By Applying Laws and Standards to the Situation
One of the ways in which a Nevada elder law firm will take steps to hold those responsible for harm done to residents of assisted living centers accountable is by making use of different laws that could apply to the situation. Not only are there criminal laws that could be relevant, but there are also standards set out by licensing authorities and within the realm of Nevada personal injury law that could help stand up for the rights of someone who is being mistreated.
By Aggressively Pursuing the Truth
When a Nevada elder law attorney gets involved in a situation, he or she likely understands that getting to the bottom of a situation will not be easy. That’s because assisted living facilities understand that simply admitting that they mistreat residents will open them up to potentially enormous liability, and this is simply not something that they will do voluntarily. Therefore, any investigation that is done could necessarily involve the state licensing authority or perhaps even law enforcement depending on the facts and the circumstances of that particular situation.
By Recovering Compensation
When someone is mistreated in this situation that involves trust and vulnerability, that person incurs several forms of loss. A Nevada nursing home abuse attorney will understand these forms of loss and make sure that they are all pursued properly and relentlessly so that the client who has been harmed can be made whole. If you or someone you love is being mistreated while living in an assisted living facility, you need to seek the help of a Nevada nursing home abuse attorney who has been holding those responsible for these wrongs accountable for many years. Contact Bernstein & Poisson today to schedule a free initial consultation.