Comings Criminal Defense Attorney Riverside

If you or a family member has been accused of a probation or parole violation in Riverside, California, please contact the Law Offices of Gregory H. Comings today.

A Riverside probation violation defense attorney at our firm can provide a free case consultation and probation violation evaluation in order to help you understand your charges and what can be done about them. We have many years of legal experience, knowledge and skill in representing clients facing minor and serious parole and probation violations. Regardless of the complexities that may surround your case, we can help you.

A misdemeanor is a criminal offense which is punishable by up to 1 year in county jail, monetary fines, community service, probation and parole. Many people believe that a misdemeanor conviction will not affect them for the rest of their life. This is very untrue, as with any criminal conviction that a person receives it will result in a permanent mark on their criminal record. Although a misdemeanor can be more easily expunged or removed from a criminal record, until a person is eligible it may affect employment and educational opportunities, as it will show up on a criminal background check.

At the Law Offices of Gregory H. Comings we can review the facts that surround your misdemeanor case during a free consultation with a Riverside Criminal defense lawyer. We can then make a decision as to what steps are needed in order to help secure the best outcome for your case. It is very important that you do not delay in speaking with a professional San Bernardino misdemeanor lawyer as in many cases what is usually a misdemeanor offense may be charged as a felony. If this occurs you may face a minimum of 1 year in state prison, fines, community service, probation and parole.

A felony conviction can follow a person for the rest of his or her life and in most cases will not qualify for expungement. In addition, a felony can prevent a person from certain employment and educational opportunities throughout the United States. A person convicted of a felony may also lose their right to vote, obtain certain licenses and right to own or purchase a firearm.

It is imperative that you contact Riverside criminal defense attorneys at the Law Offices of Gregory H. Comings immediately to schedule a free case consultation. During the consultation a criminal defense attorney at our firm will provide legal advice and guidance as to what your next legal step should be.

The Aron Law Firm Santa Barbara Criminal Defense is dedicated to providing outstanding criminal defense and legal representation to those facing parole or probation violation accusations throughout Riverside County, California. Please contact our firm today to speak with a Riverside Criminal Defense and probation violation attorney about the circumstances that may surround your parole or probation violation case.

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