Choosing a legal professional is a very personal decision, and can have a marked impact on the eventual success of your case. You must find someone that you feel you can understand, but there are also technical qualifications that must be met. When you are seeking a real estate lawyer, there are additional qualifications beyond what a regular legal professional should provide. While there is no guaranteed checklist for finding a successful attorney, asking these questions can help you ensure that you choose the best possible real estate attorney for your case. Real estate attorneys at Cardon Law are one of the best attorneys in the business.
Question 1: How Long Have You Been Licensed To Practice Law?
This question is among the most basic, yet a surprising number of potential clients forget to ask it. In order to become a real estate lawyer, or to be legally permitted to give legal advice of any kind, the professional must attend law school and pass an exam known as the Bar exam. This exam is specific to each state, and a lawyer who wishes to open up a practice in another state must pass that state’s bar as well before he may practice. Asking your potential advocate how long he has been licensed to practice will give you an idea of his experience while also confirming that he is in fact a technically qualified legal professional and can legally represent you.
Question #2: How Long Have You Been A Real Estate Lawyer?
Virtually every attorney chooses one specialty, which most will follow throughout their professional career. Some may specialize in two related fields, but it’s rare to find anyone more diversified than that. There is a very good reason for such specificity: legal precedent, a major factor in many court decisions. In order to maintain consistency in court rulings, courts will take into account former rulings when they make decisions in current cases. Thus, in order to support his claims, a real estate attorney may reference these former decisions and use them as part of a current argument. Following these developments in the different courts statewide and even nationwide takes a lot of time, which in addition to the specialized depth of knowledge required creates a practical limit of one specialty per advocate. Some will occasionally switch specialties mid-practice, but asking will easily reveal that.
Question #3: How Many Clients Do You Typically Carry At Once?
A small law office may quickly become overburdened if the caseload is too high, but a larger office may end up shuttling you off to a young, inexperienced real estate attorney or even a caseworker. You want to ensure that whatever size office you choose has the right amount of staff to give you the attention you need. There is no magic number, but a single lawyer handling more than 10 intensive cases is almost certainly overburdened.
The Right Real Estate Attorney For You
Finding a good legal professional requires persistence, perseverance, and a high level of comfort asking tough questions. The right legal professional won’t hesitate to answer, will be knowledgeable, and will be open and honest with you from the beginning. If you find someone who has the necessary legal qualifications and seems to have a strong grasp of property legislation as well, you can find the person who will help you best.